Over half a century

at the forefront

of electrotechnical production.

COET S.r.l. was founded in 1962. During almost half a century of history the company has been growing and evolving designing and manufacturing various types of switching and sectionalising devices and the switchgears and systems that utilise such devices.

At present COET’s production includes different ranges of products for various applications:

  • Switching and Disconnecting devices for Low Voltage.
  • Switching and Disconnecting devices for Medium Voltage.
  • Switching and Disconnecting devices for High Current.
  • DC Switching and Disconnecting devices for Electric Traction.
  • Electronic measuring and monitoring devices.
  • Electric Traction Power Systems.
  • Engineering.

Conceiving and Design of products is totally self made with the support of the most up-to-date computerised systems of Electrical and Mechanical 3D CAD.
The Test Laboratory can perform functional and mechanical Endurance Tests, Temperature rise Tests with current up to 10.000A and Dielectric Tests with voltage up to 60kVrms and 400kV impulse using high precision measuring and recording instruments.

Since 1998 the company is certified ISO9001 and ISO14001 and all the products are type tested according to the latest International Standards.
The headquarter that includes offices, workshop and test laboratories for high current and high voltage, is located in San Donato Milanese, nowadays part of Milano, 10km from the city centre as well as from Linate Airport, adjacent to motorway city ring and close to the railway’s freight yard:

Total Area: 9000 sqm
Covered Area: 4900sqm
Offices: 600sqm

Quality, Environment, Safety, Integrity

In formulating Quality, Safety, Environmental and Integrity Policies , COET management has taken into consideration the corporate nature, environmental impact and ethics code of its employees and its activities.

The principles inspiring our Policies of Quality, Safety and Protection of the Environment arise from our will to:

  1. Improve the quality of our products
  2. Improve Environmental Standards and Reduce Environmental Impacts
  3. Protect the Environment and the safety of our staff

Based on these principles COET aims to offer:

  1. High level products able to fully meet customers’ expectations
  2. Contained production costs
  3. Constant technological improvement for minimizing Environmental impacts

Our main focus is:

  1. To accurately identify our customers’ needs.
  2. To tailor our products to meet individual customer requirements
  3. To ensure on time delivery of our products
  4. Fairness in pricing our products
  5. To constantly monitor and regulate manufacturing costs
  6. To ensure a constant improvement of our internal processes
  7. To follow strict compliance rules for maintaining our Internal and External (European, Italian, Regional and Local Laws and regulations) Policies
  8. To optimize the waste recycling process
  9. To arrange periodic internal training on Safety Policies
  10. To disclose our policies to our customers

We maintain our image of professionalism and efficiency through constant internal reviews.
We train our staff periodically to ensure continuous improvement.

Our QA (Quality and Environment) manager is responsible for Process review to identify flaws and suggest improvements to the Direction.

Quality and Environmental Policies and related topics are periodically analysed and updated during Direction review meetings.

The Quality and Environment role is responsible also for internal evaluation to ensure that the Quality, Safety and Environmental Policies are widely understood and applied.

Moreover with Code of Ethics and Business Conduct of Hitachi Group (where Coet is part), Coet use rules and principles to assist leaders and employees in making decisions and acting ethically and in line with the Group’s Identity.

Certificate ISO 14001

Certificate ISO 9001

Certificate ISO 45001


From 1st January 2024, while remaining a separate legal entity, COET has become part of the Hitachi Energy group embracing all the main values ​​of its mission both in terms of business vision and in terms of ethics and business conduct. To make this possible, when employees, contractors and business partners observe or suspect something that conflicts with the Hitachi Group Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, company policies or protocols or laws and regulations, COET encourages you to speak up and report it through this link (EthicsPoint – Hitachi Global) where you can also consult or download the Hitachi Group Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.


Since 1962 Coet designs and manufactures
electromechanical apparatus for medium and
low voltage industrial applications.

Particularly in the field of “high currents” Coet is renowned as international leader offering a wide range of switching apparatus which are installed worldwide in thousands of Industrial and Power plants.

Moreover, for more than 20 years COET has been actively working in the field of Power Supply Systems for DC traction applications, in this field today COET is one of the most important Italian players with experience in International projects having supplied many of its products worldwide thanks to the collaboration with the most important contractors.


Our Technical Department includes a team of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineers capable to assist our customers in finding the most efficient solution for any modern Dc Traction System.

Our know-how starts from the basic Electromechanical and Electronic apparatus and continues to the integration into the final project of the complete substation and of the corresponding systems of control, communication, automation and safety.
COET works with the Clients from project definition to project delivery supporting them during the entire process of studying and system development